On December 9, 2020, the HSEQ Division organized site inspections on HSE performance at workshops, production bases of the jointventures and subsidiaries of PV Drilling Corporation located in Phu My and Dong Xuyen Industrial zones, Oil Spill Response Base and PTSC Supply Base in Ba Ria – Vung Tau province.

Inspection taking place at PVD Logging’s facilities.
This is one of the annual inspections of PV Drilling Corporation to objectively evaluate the compliance with requirements on occupational health safety, and environmental protection at work places. Besides good performance in maintaining and improving occupational health and safety recognized, there are still findings that need to be improved such as: General Housekeeping during and after job completion, properly Initial Waste Segregation; maintain the effectiveness of Fire Fighting Equipment. All of these observations were discussed frankly by the inspection team with the subsidiaries’ HSEQ staffs as well as the people in charge of workshops and production bases to find out the solutions to maintain a safe and healthy working environment for employees.

Walkways between workshops were highly identified to warn transportation trucks on keeping slow speed.
The Second HSEQ Internal Seminar of the Year 2020.
On December 10, 2020, the 2nd annual HSEQ Internal Seminar of PV Drilling was held in Vung Tau city with the participation of members of HSEQ Division and representatives from Board of Directors, people in charge of workshops, production bases and all of the HSEQ officers of the joint ventures and subsidiaries.

Participants of the Seminar.
At the seminar, PVD Tech and PVD DD presented the analysis of the causes and lessons learned from recent incidents related to fire and explosion of a power bank and a medical treatment case. The participants have had lots of enthusiastical discussions to clarify all aspects of the causes of the incidents to propose corrective actions and preventive measures to eliminate the recurrence.

Participants discussed on the causes and lessons learnt from incidents.
Next, the representative of the HSEQ Division of the Corporation showed the results of the site walkabout inspection at workshops and production bases of the join ventures and subsidiaries. Images of good points and findings on HSE compliance were shown and discussed among participants at the seminar so they could apply or take corrective actions to maintain safe and healthy workplaces at their facilities.

HSEQ Division analysed the results of the Internal Audit of the year 2020.
The results of PV Drilling's HSEQ Internal Audit of the year 2020 were also analyzed in detail by HSEQ Division to give an overall picture of application and compliance with the requirements of HSEQ Integrated Management System in the whole Corporation. Especially in this seminar, the performance of the Remote Internal Audit which had firstly been conducted by HSEQ Division at PVD Well Services as a pilot implimentation was also presented to the audience. The opportunities and risks associated with a Remote Internal Audit were discussed by all participants in order to create solid premises for this type of audits in the future.