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PV Drilling hosts its first HSEQ Internal Conference in 2024

On the afternoon of January 10, 2024, in Vung Tau City, Petrovietnam Drilling and Service Corporation (PV Drilling) hosted its first HSEQ internal conference in 2024.

The conference attracted the attendance of managing levels from PV Drilling’s subsidiaries, HSEQ’s managers, HSEQ executives, rapporteurs and heads of production bases.

At PV Drilling, the internal HSEQ conference is periodically held for HSEQ executives to review the past results biannually or annually. It includes sharing experiences, innovations and good application at each subsidiary. It also offers chances to update latest knowledge and proposes new recommendations and solutions to improve HSEQ activities at both subsidiaries and the Corporation as well.

Overview of the first internal conference in 2024. 

At the conference, representatives from PV Drilling’s HSEQ Division delivered a summary report on HSEQ activities in 2023. The year’s most outstanding achievement was safety achievements, operating without lost time and environment incident within the whole Corporation. Accordingly, 6 owned rigs all achieved Zero LTI (without lost time incident) certified by the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC). As the rig fleet mainly operated in overseas markets in 2023, this accomplishment was particularly noteworthy, reflecting the great efforts of the rig crew and the HSEQ team in specific.

In addition, PV Drilling continued to maintain and constantly improve the integrated HSEQ system in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, applicable laws and clients’ requirements in order to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.

Delegates presented summary reports and presentations at the conference. 

In 2023, PV Drilling well implemented many HSEQ programs from the Corporation level to subsidiaries to enhance awareness and enforce a safety culture for the staff in all business operation activities. Together with the reward program of PVD Observation Card on rigs, another quarterly reward program was set up for employees working at back offices and onshore production bases, which also attracted a large number of participants with 2,242 PVD Observation cards in term of safety warning/evaluation. Another quarterly competition naming “Safety – Labour Hygiene Knowledge” also attracted about 1,143 participants.

Discussion at the Conference. 

In addition to the HSE Walkabout (internal inspection/ supervision) programs which are conducted periodically, inspection from clients/registration agencies/national authorities plays an important role in the improvement of our HSEQ system. Particularly in March 2023, Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) – our important client, who always required a completely high safety level in business operation, visited our offices, workshops, productions bases in Ho Chi Minh City to evaluate thoroughly and highly appreciated the TAD - PV DRILLING V’s achievements after one year of operation in Brunei. Following was Pertamina EP, our client in Indonesia, came to visit PV DRILLING II rig’s management crew and took a HSE walkabout on the rig in July, 2023. As a result, PV Drilling was honored as one of 9 best contractors among 145 contractors currently serving for Pertamina EP, and the TAD – PV DRILLING V was also awarded “Rig of the year in 2023” by Shell Global for the platform category.

At the conference, the HSEQ division also updated the latest changes in HSEQ documents from Petrovietnam’s HSEQ system so that the subsidiaries can best apply to their businesses. Besides, the Division also updated the analysis of internal assessment results in 2023, which will be a foundation to build up the key content for 2024’s evaluation period. Recent analysis showed that all subsidiaries operated a good system of HSEQ.

Presentations of the subsidiaries at the conference attracted almost all of participants regrading to machinery/equipment management, device maintenance, calibration in order to comply with applicable laws and ensure service quality, fire and explosion prevention as well as update procedures – policies and practical experiences so that HSEQ activities at the whole Corporation will be conducted thoroughly at its highest effect.

In conclusion, the first HSEQ internal conference in 2024 was a great success. All the presentations, achievements and experiences delivered at the conference will help to support the HSEQ management/executives to enrich their experiences and improve the HSEQ system, further contribute to the overall success of PV Drilling.

PV Drilling's PR Team.
