Along with the strategy of technical staff’s constant training and development, PVD Drilling Division always focuses on
applying information technology into operation. The Division currently applies many international advanced management
systems such as Maximo, ERP Oracle, Simplesoft... which contributes to stabilize the rig fleet’s operation, decreasing
human-related incidents, enhancing its operational efficiency and competitiveness.
Over 12 years operated in the industry, PVD Drilling Division has closely cooperated with both local and regional oil
and gas operators including PVEP, Vietsovpetro, JVPC, Cuu Long JOC, Petronas, Repsol, Sapura Energy, Hibiscus,
Groupement Bir Seba... Taking this chance, the Division has built up good relationships and successfully formed
partnerships with such international drilling contractors as Maersk, Vantage, JPD, Saipem… by utilizing the available
resources of manpower.
In addition, PVD Drilling Division has gained valuable experience while operating at international markets such as
Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Algeria ... All drilling rigs operated by PVD Drilling Division have been operating
effectively, safety, constantly over 99% of operational efficiency, and highly appreciated by clients. The International
Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) recognizes Zero Lost Time Incident (Zero LTI) achievements for PV Drilling’s
rig fleet which is managed and operated by PVD Drilling Division as follows:
- PV DRILLING I achieved twelve (12) consecutive years of operation without lost time incident (10/3/2007 - 10/3/2019);
- PV DRILLING II achieved ten (10) consecutive years of operation without lost time incident (15/9/2009 - 15/9/2019);
- PV DRILLING III achieved nine (9) consecutive years of operation without lost time incident (12/11/2009 - 12/11/2018);
- PV DRILLING VI reached four (04) consecutive years of operation without lost time incident (28/2/2015 - 28/2/2019);
- PV DRILLING 11 reached three (03) consecutive years of operation without lost time incident (01/07/2016 - 01/07/2019).