As one of the periodic activities of HSEQ Division in maintaining the effectiveness of the HSEQ Management System, the HSE Un-Announced Visit objectively reflects the real HSE situation of the Corporation Subsidiaries. In addition, this is also a useful tool to help the Board of Management come up with solutions to protect employees and provide a safe working environment.

HSE Un-Announced Visit at PVD Well Services

HSE Un-Announced Visit at PVD Tech
On March 23rd and 24th, 2022 the HSEQ Division conducted the 1st HSE Un-Announced Visit at all Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures of PV Drilling in Ba Ria – Vung Tau province. Besides many good points in HSE recorded, especially in the current situation when the COVID-19 has not been completely controlled and caused so many difficulties for PV Drilling’s Subsidiaries in business and production activities, there are still observations that need to be improved in terms of safety equipment. All findings recorded at site were frankly & openly discussed and agreed by both sides in order to find out the suitable corrective actions as well as provide a safe working environment for employees.